It Takes a Village

The big day has finally come!! We're typing this sitting in a lounge in YVR's international terminal thinking of how lucky we are. We're especially lucky to
have such an amazing support network of friends and family. 

You've let us repurpose part of their houses as storage lockers, let us borrow cars and bikes after we sold ours, you've been shoulder to shoulder with us in the thick of helping us pack and clean our apartment for the tenants coming in, you've taken on extra work as colleagues to cover for us while we're off line,  and overall you've all been exceptionally understanding of the madness that our lives have been these last few months. Thank you so much! This trip would not be happening without the village that supports us.

We've managed to pack out lives into carry-on luggage and despite the squeeze, we'd like to introduce two additional companions traveling with us. Those who followed Gabi's travels in her early twenties are sure to recognize Mr. Avalanche and now he has a friend, Mr Avalanche Jr!!!! So far they've had quite a time exploring the new wing of YVR's international terminal.

Time to get to our gate!

Lifting off to London,

Love, Dan & Gabi


  1. So excited! Fitting the Avalanche bros get to travel after winning the cup haha. Or are they on the Penguins hmm

  2. Waiting for more Mr. Avalanche adventures


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